Romans 7
Chapters 6 and 7 need to be read together because in them we can get a clearer picture of how it is God who makes it possible for us to receive salvation and then to live for Him. Wiersbe describes it like this.
In Romans 6, Paul told us how to stop doing bad things; in Romans 7 he told us how not to do good things. “You were not justified by keeping the Law,” he argued, “and you cannot be sanctified by keeping the Law.”1
Paul explains that those under the law are like those who are married—while married, you commit adultery if you stray from the marriage partner or even if divorce takes place. But once one of the marriage partners dies, the covenant of marriage is no longer binding.
To read more, download the PDF below. See also the “One Another” and “Each Other” study.
1 (Wiersbe 534) — Wiersbe, Warren. The Bible Exposition Commentary: Matthew—Galatians. Vol. 5. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books; SP Publications, Inc., 1989. Print. 6 vols.