I will be completing my studies for the following in 2017.
- Matthew
- Numbers
- 2 Kings
- Ezekiel
- 1 Corinthians
Once these are done, I will start another and publish it at that time.
- Judas’ Remorse; Jesus Before Pilate, Crufixion, and Burial
- Jesus’ Prayer, Betrayal, Arrest, Trial, and Sentencing
- Jesus Explains Discipleship Using Parables
- Servant—Stewards of Christ
- Each Person is Responsible for Their Own Sins
- Parental Advice to a Maturing Child
- A Prayer for Delieverance from Treacherous People
- Azariah & Jotham of Judah; Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, & Pekah of Israel
- Balak and Balaam, Part 3
- The Temple’s Desctruction and Christ’s Return