I recently read “The Heart of Business” by Raymond H. Harris. Harris has taken the call to teach the generation following him and has produced a book that summarizes the wisdom found in the book of Proverbs. In it he shares some of his own experiences of starting and operating a successful architectural firm for over 30 years, serving on the boards of a number of non-profit charities, and after an intensive three year study of the book of Proverbs.
The chapter titles are as follows.
- Operating a Business in God’s Economy
- God’s Promises
- Seek These Things (Treasures)
- Do These Things (Disciplines)
- Develop These Things (Habits)
- Avoid These Things (Destructive Behaviors)
- Become These Things (Characteristics)
- A Journey Toward Stewardship
Harris also encourages the reader to read through the book of Proverbs in conjunction with reading his book, which I highly recommend as well. I did something similar by identifying topics for each verse in the book of Proverbs and found it very helpful and enlightening.1
While Harris has focused his work in the area of owning and operating a business, each of the principles covered could easily apply to any area of life, it a good discipleship primer. It lays the foundation that a disciple can build on as they go through the experiences of life.
When God created man, He assigned him the task of taking care of the garden and all that is in it. Adam was a manager or steward. Harris in this little book gives some practical advice about how to be a good manager or steward of a person’s life and the things which God seems fit to bless them with.
Harris, Raymond H. The Heart of Business: Solomon’s Wisdom for Success In Any Economy. Colorado Springs, Colorado: NavPress, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-61291-468-8. link
1 – You can find the results of my personal study of Proverbs on the Downloads page under Topical Studies entitled “Proverbs – References by Topic.”