On Adultery and its Consequences

Proverbs 7

If you look at much of the media content in our culture, adultery and sexual infidelity seem to be a dominant topic.  From this chapter, it doesn’t seem to have changed since the time of Solomon.


  • 1-5: Parental call to heed their instructions
  • 6-23: Description of the allure of adultery and its demise
  • 24-27: Call to flee from the temptation of adultery

There are two applications that can be drawn from this Proverb.

  1. Adultery only results in calamity.
  2. Adultery is a picture of spiritual infidelity or idolatry.

Ray Vander Laan in the 9th installment of his FaithLessons video series: “Fire On The Mountain”, describes how the covenant that God made with the children of Israel after leading them out of slavery in the land of Egypt, was actually a marriage covenant with the Hebrew people.

Consider how Paul describes the Church as the bride of Christ in Ephesians 5 and the repeated times that the idolatry of the Israelite people is described as adultery in the Old Testament prophets.  It seems fitting then that an entire chapter of the “wisdom” literature of the Bible should be devoted to the topic of adultery and its consequences.

Below is a listing of topics in descending order by number of verses where mentioned.

Sexual Purity 27
Family 4
Futility of Folly 2
Integrity 1
Wisdom’s Benefits 1


Vander Laan, Ray. Fire On The Mountain. Vol. 9. 2009. DVD. 12 vols. Faith Lessons.