Back on Facebook
I’ve decided to reactivate my Facebook account and will start posting items again soon. If you want to connect with me, check out the Social Media links on my bio page.
Back on Facebook Read MoreApplying The Word To Life
I’ve decided to reactivate my Facebook account and will start posting items again soon. If you want to connect with me, check out the Social Media links on my bio page.
Back on Facebook Read MoreYou might have noticed that I’ve made a change to the tagline for the website. Previously I had a tagline that read, “Bringing The Word To Life” but I decided …
New Website Tagline Read MoreSome of you may have noticed that I have been behind a few days in my reading schedule. Part of the reason for that is that my computer was upgrade …
Windows 10 Updated Read MoreIt is true that under the old covenant a Levite would only serve from 30 to 50 years old. But you have to remember what the Levites did, they transported the tabernacle and …
Retirement … NOT! Read MoreI recently listened to an interview with Nancy Guthrie on The Gospel Coalition about her new podcast series, “Help Me Teach the Bible,” and it sounds like it could be pretty …
Always Learning Read MoreWord List Files Because of changes to the excluded common words from the word list searches, I have updated the Word List files.
Word List Updates Read MoreReading Calendar Adjustment This last week has forced me to reevaluate the reading schedule I have set for myself to use for writing. My desire to develop the type of …
Reading Calendar Adjustment Read MoreChange in Article Posting Process Typically what I do is create a study ahead of time and the reproduce it in an article on the website, which means that I …
Change in Article Posting Process Read More