
  • Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath
    Matthew 12 In this chapter, Jesus asks the religious leaders of His day to use a little common sense when it comes to keeping the Sabbath laws. They were applying a legalistic standard that even they could not keep and so Jesus seeks to correct their thinking in this matter. To read more, download the PDF below.
  • Unity of Believers; Conflict of Sin and Righteousness
    Romans 7 Chapters 6 and 7 need to be read together because in them we can get a clearer picture of how it is God who makes it possible for us to receive salvation and then to live for Him. Wiersbe describes it like this. In Romans 6, Paul told us how to stop doing bad things; ...
  • Book: Organic Church
    “Organic Church: Growing Faith Where Life Happens” by Neil Cole I’ve owned this book for about 10 years and have finally got around to reading it.  I could make guesses why it took me this long to read it but probably the best and most appropriate one is that I wasn’t ready for it until now. This ...
  • God’s Pronouncement Against Jerusalem
    Ezekiel 5 In the movie, The Rookie1, a west Texas high school baseball coach is having trouble growing grass on the school’s baseball field. It is discovered that deer are getting on to the field at night and eating the grass as it grows. So one of the men of the town, a store owner, tells ...
  • Elihu: Job’s Righteousness Doesn’t Compare To God’s
    Job 35 One of the great dangers any one may face is that of pride in oneself, especially before God. Below is a table I complied, with the aid of Wikipedia and other sources1, that gives a couple of lists of sins a person should be weary of. There are other places where lists of sins ...
  • Elijah Passes His Mantle To Elisha And Is Taken Up In A Whirlwind
    2 Kings 2 Any transition of leadership, no matter what the organization, can be fraught with difficulties. In some countries, there is great turmoil and even bloodshed when one administration takes the place of a previous one. Here in America, we hold elections on a regular basis and most of the time the transition happens without much ...
  • A Good Source For Wisdom
    Psalms 119:73-80 This section of Psalms 119 can be encapsulated in the opening and closing verses. Psalms 119:73 NASB 73 Your hands made me and fashioned me; Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments. Psalms 119:80 NASB 80 May my heart be blameless in Your statutes, So that I will not be ashamed. To read more, download the PDF ...
  • People Complain About Food Again; Moses Struggles with the Burden of Leadership
    Numbers 11 How often do you complain about something or anything? That is a question we need to ask ourselves and probably on a regular basis. Why? This is only my opinion, but how often or how much we complain could be an indication of our attitude, whether we have an overall positive or negative attitude ...
  • Jesus Affirms John the Baptist and Denounces Unrepentant Cities
    Matthew 11 In the movie Pure Country,1 George Strait plays a character named Dusty, who’s response of “I guess I see what your sayin'” in a conversation with the grandfather of a family provokes the following from the grandfather. You guess! Never guess. You gotta know, I mean you gotta know what your doin’. ‘Cause if you ...
  • Christ’s Death Resulted In Emancipation From Sin
    Romans 6 January 1, 1863, is a very important day in the history of the United States. It was on that day that the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect and all people being held as slaves were declared free. The proclamation was signed on September 22, 1862, but it didn’t go into effect until the beginning ...

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